What are spiders?
Common pests that live in our South Carolina yards and gardens, spiders are critters that most homeowners come into contact with regularly. In controlled numbers, spiders are helpful, feeding on and limiting the number of troublesome insects like mosquitoes and flies. However, when spider populations grow too large or move into our home, these pests need managing.
Spiders are easy for most people to identify. These arachnids have a round or oval-shaped body, eight legs, and two body parts. All spiders can create silk, though not all spiders make webs with their silk. Spiders vary in size, shape, color, and nesting habits, depending on their species.
In South Carolina, the following spiders can be found in our yards and, unfortunately, our homes:
- Wolf spiders
- House spiders
- Black widow spiders
- Brown recluse spiders
Are spiders dangerous?
Spiders are shy recluse creatures that want to stay hidden away from people and predators. But, staying hidden is often what makes them a danger to us. Bites from spiders often happen when doing things like gardening, rummaging through storage boxes, or cleaning out closets that unknowingly put us in direct contact with a spider that bites us to protect itself from being squished.
Black widow spiders and brown recluse spiders have venom that is strong enough to affect a person if a bite occurs. They are dangerous spiders and shouldn’t be allowed to live in our homes or yards.
Most other spiders that find a way into our yards and homes, like wolf spiders and house spiders, are unwanted in large populations but don’t pose any threats. They have venom, but the venom isn’t strong enough to affect us if a bite occurs.

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Why do I have a spider problem?
Spiders are predators and are always on the lookout for a place that provides them with prey. Often our yards give spiders what they are looking for: insects to hunt. Our gardens, yards, shrubbery, trash cans, and outdoor light fixtures are all things that attract insects and then hungry spiders to South Carolina properties.
Where will I find spiders?
Spiders are outdoor pests, they aren’t pests that move indoors to escape harsh weather, but they will move inside following insects that do. They may also move inside while searching for quiet areas to lay their eggs. While living inside is not a spider’s preferred environment, once they do get inside, if food is present, they usually will stay until forced out, or their food source moves back outdoors.
House spiders are agile, fast-moving spiders and can be found almost anywhere, from ground level to high up on ceilings. On the other hand, wolf spiders are large spiders that can move quickly but are not great climbers; they usually hide at ground level. Brown recluse spiders and black widow spiders also prefer hanging out and creating their irregular-shaped webs at ground level.
Some of a spider’s favorite hideouts on or in our homes include the following:
- Behind shutters, shingles, or siding
- Under roof eaves or in doorways
- Attics and basements
- Crawl spaces and utility rooms
- Cabinets under sinks in kitchens and bathrooms
- The corners of rooms and around windows
- Under furniture or within bedding

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